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NOW is the story of a successful woman is not a rare thing. More women appear independent and brave to develop itself, not even a little bit of fashion bloggers who started up since ages still muda.Siapa he? Here's his review!

For fashion lovers and connoisseurs of the country, particularly the Muslim fashion the name of fashion bloggers, daughter Hasanah Kurnia certainly is not foreign anymore.

Pretty young woman who is more familiarly called Utie this is a familiar name among bloggers in the country, especially in the field of fashion bloggers Muslims. He could be called as one of the most famous fashion blogger in Indonesia. This friendly female figures deserve to be called as one of the forms of modern Kartini present era in the field of fashion

Through his blog Tevazu Uthie her fashion style featuring a sweet, simple, feminine, and much influenced by the soft colors and pastel much so inspiring style of many Muslim circles in Instagram in particular to be able to look trendy but not excessive. Utie itself now has more than 230 thousand followers on the social networking media Instagram.

Utie are now focused as a creative director at fashion line, called SAE Who would have thought before plunging into the world of fashion, he had worked at one of the large national banks in Indonesia before eventually working for the magazine Hijab Indonesia, Hijabella Magazine as Fashion Editor and presenter for television shows Karimah in one of the leading private television in Indonesia.

Utie who recently collaborated with the company's fashion retailer UNIQLO to bring the style of modest wear with a design collection results Muslim fashion designers from Japan, Hana Takarajima this, have hope through blogs and fashion styles of Muslim modest wear that she carries herself can be someone who can share creative inspiration to more people, especially Muslim women in the country to look fashionable but still polite.

TALK about modern Kartini figure in the field of fashion, it is not complete if it does not mention the name of this one. Siapalkah he?

Diana is Rikasari, a name familiar among bloggers in the country, especially in the field of fashion bloggers. Diana can be called as one of the most famous fashion blogger in Indonesia.

Through his blog, which appeared since 2007 Diana featuring a unique style that is unique and very bright colors. The force young mothers daily show is far from secure. Style of Diana inspire young people to dare to be different and highlight the character himself.

With the concept looks very playful and colorful is not denied Diana often the center of attention in public, addressing this Diana did not want to bother and to respond with ease.

Problem himself who has become a mother turned out to not be an obstacle to remain creative and work in accordance with the character of his true identity. Menurit mother of this son being a mother is something else that has nothing to do with pleasure look playful, quirky and colorful.

Diana alone already has more than 200 thousand followers on social networking media Instagram and 3000 thousand more subscribers on Youtube account.

Departing from fashion bloggers, Anatasia Siantar now a fashion icon who inspired many berbusananya provide numerous benefits for Indonesian women, especially for younger children.

Casual clothing, edy, and feminine attire which often become Anatasia in attending an event making it the center of attention of fashion in Indonesia. No wonder if he had attracted the attention of many fashion boutiques, to make it as a fashion icon, as well as the ambassador.

Keeksisannya in the fashion industry makes a lot of inspiration in a dress, designers such as Sebastian Gunawan also gave credence as a fashion icon in his collection some time ago.

His hard work into the fashion blogger to fruition by obtaining honors to give padupadan tips in dressing for women in everyday life.

Behind the fashion industry, the job of a fashion stylish and fashion blogger is one that affects the progress of Indonesian fashion world.

One culprit is a 25-year-old young girl, Ayla Dimitri. His talents in the fashion world is already menadapati many achievements. One of them has become a fashion editor for a fashion magazine in Indonesia.

Existence in giving tips are also widely used to dress celebrities homeland. Do not stop there, Ayla also invited to collaborations with many fashion boutiques domestic and international, even down to the fashion retail.

Call it Uniqlo, MAP, and much more. Fashion style in social media also inspired many Indonesian women in stylish, especially when traveling.

Because, in the social media instagram (ayladimitri), provides many of today are menatik outfit to be integrated into the life of a young woman Indonesia.

Do not stop there, Ayla also has a lot of talent in the world of fashion writing Indonesia is seen in his personal blog. Not surprisingly, in some fashion shows these girls often appeared with a bandage dress inspiring.

When we want to know the character of the nature and character of a person or to themselves, usually of people - people who fit the nature of their characters through their birth date, such as Zodiac, weton or whatever it is still associated with the date of birth. in addition there is also the birth date through the mole, the shape of the teeth, tanggan lines, and much more.

but of the many media who can know the character, the nature and character of a person, a lot of possibilities through a group of blood himself could make the results more accurate. But this time I will be more focus on explaining about the Blood Type O.

(Wikipedia) blood group O have blood cells without the antigen, but produce antibodies against antigens A and B. Thus, people with blood type O-negative can donate blood to people with any ABO blood group and called the universal donor. However, people with type O-negative blood can only receive blood from fellow O-negative. But with the changing times and has a lot of research, blood type O can donate blood only fellow blood group O. (Fact or Myth ???)

this time I have summarized some of the results of my game, from grandparent Google and its board, the "facts - facts People with blood type O or O blood type" and here

 "100 FACT BLOOD TYPE O" !!!

* 1. People with blood type O are many dominates 46% of the world population, they are known as' The Hunters'-hunter, carnivore.
 (Why ??? dubbed the hunter not the hunted more ??? we take the example of animal populations carnivores and herbivores ???? true or not depends on your judgment)

* 2. O blood type person sometimes staunchly defending his opinions to others, but even so they consider themselves stubborn.

* 3. people who have blood type O have to respect older people and seniors, but it will never bend, or accept anything as "a lady loser", because he would rather die than lose his self-esteem.

* 4. People with blood type O was like a bee. Ready to give benefits to other people. They will not attack without reason. they will not interfere unless you bother him.

* 5. People with blood type O is symbolized ♥. True lover and Loved by many people. so they sometimes become the center of attention.

* 6. People with blood type O (+) strong expression. (-) Think too much about what people say.

* 7. People with blood type O are less able to control the desire and the desire to achieve his goal. but only time have a specific target, he would never give up.

* 8. People with blood type O tend to be curious, wants to win, hobbies complained Against the words of others, and always wanted to be praised.

* 9. Usually people who have blood type O does not like to give in, but if it comes on friendship he better yield.

* 10. People with blood type O speak out often talk - frankly and is, do not direct degan angry words, usually they convey reasoned. Confirmation of his words and ask the intent.

* 11. Blood Type O Adaptable to a variety of foods on the environment they occupy.

* 12. That can make people with blood type O SPIRIT is finished bathing and eating.

* 13. For food People with blood type O, should reduce foods that contain lots of carbo (so do not eat the same rice noodles at once). Eat beef and fish.

* 14. for DIET Blood Type O is the low-carbo and high-protein. Suggestions: meat, red beans, seaweed. Avoid: potatoes, peanuts, coffee, instant noodles.

* 15. of all types of blood groups, the order of the 1 most easy being fat is a person with blood type O.

* 16. People with blood type O besides Her appetite is great, how makannyapun cepet, so when I'm eating with him definitely like a starving man.

* 17. Usually To make themselves comfortable, People with blood type O prefers to find good food.

* 18. for spirited leadership and problem-solver, people with blood type O The most widely so the director and leader.

* 19. People with blood type O have a strong sense of love, they wanted a commitment from the partner.

* 20. if you are paired with a person with blood type O it will tend possessive. this is because the blood type O is being lovers, they will give little space to mencemburuimu as a sign of affection.

* 21. Men with blood type O, like the adventure. Hard-working type. Romantic. Women's blood type O, like romantic things. But not the class gombalan.

* 22. Couple with Blood Type O is known ambitious. Jealousy is one expression of affection to you. so do not judge him possessive, because that's the way he shows it feels to you.

* 23. Couple with Blood Type O is the faithful creature, but sometimes less able to communicate the content of the heart through words, normal if misunderstandings.

* 24. People with blood type O tend to do things without asking questions or many reasons. therefore Many leaders who have this blood type.

* 25. People with blood type O can not be the name most diem so clay opportunity. They're good initiators.

* 26. If you have parents who have blood type O, do not need to put his heart when angry. It was just a momentary surge of aja kok, after which they must nyesel

* 27. Principle People with blood type O to do a job: "just do my best ajalah, & GOD'll do the rest"

* 28. O blood type of people who will use the language that is short, clear and compacted - fit again ngegosipin others.

* 29. If you have a blood sister O, should not be ruled - printah. You can tell it well and do not forget the word "ask for help". They are quite responsive.

* 30. Sometimes the philosophy of Type O blood can be imitated is always kind thought. but if the partner they are sometimes difficult to assume good faith.

* 31. Like to socialize it lalapan for people with blood type O. They are expressive and easy to say his thoughts, but most good keep a secret.

* 32. If you're with people who diversified Blood O, they can help solve the problem, they include a private, open especially with friends. but for their personal problems can sometimes be difficult to resolve.

* 33. people with blood type O are very holds ideals, wanted to have a good friend that is a lot, and do not really like the pressure.

* 34. In solving the problem, people are diversified Blood O will use all of the facts or knowledge and they always learn from experience.

* 35. People with blood type O have a philosophy: all the good intentions, good action, and prayer will result, BEST results.

* 36. For a time Affairs, The Blood Type O is the name most guns can wait. Supposedly while waiting can trick others, they thought.

* 37. Because of the capacity to think, people with blood type O are often considered wise by his friends. Even so, they always want to look modest.

* 38. Despite having a high social life, Blood Type O do not like to be controlled.

* 39. You say to people who diversified Blood O might affect his mind, as long as clear, logical and straightforward.

* 40. Do not hesitate over the decision of those who diversified Blood O, they decided something using a lot of consideration to be accounted for.

* 41. Competitive is one instinct on Blood Type O. No wonder they are always ready to compete fairly, especially in positive terms.

* 42. Recommendations for people who have blood type O, try to create strategies, doing everything more systematically, not always everything can be done odd jobs.

* 43. Blood Type O hobby before learning are clays first hour. "Ooh, still at this hour ... lets get it later ..."

* 44. When people who have blood type O wake up, he would be trying to remember what we should do.

* 45. Blood Type O most fitting spirit has new items. But in time they like to forget their own care.

* 46. A compliment or just lip service will not change the decision or establishment which has been chosen by the person blood type O.

* 47. People with blood type O have a strong instinct. They are competent, but always wanted to look simple.

* 48. Upset against the blood type O is a fatal mistake. They may be easy to forgive, but it was for the first and last time.

* 49. When the blood type O people are angry, they tend to shed his frustration to others.

* 50. Not Blood Type O's name if they guns PD's. They have a degree of Self-Belief high, has good instincts and loyal.

* 51. The nature of blood type O person that really stood out was generous.

* 52. 1000 had a reason for 1000 state. That skill of the blood type O. They are good at covering the situation in them is true.

* 53. Having high self-esteem is innate people are blood type O, they do not like underestimated his ability.

* 54. If given a task, people are blood type O thought: "important dikerjain first wrote as much as I, or any of the problems bener later" and certainly the spirit if already deket-deket deadline.

* 55. Before deciding saving, people are blood type O will look forward, about money can be used for business capital not. Let the money can add more.

* 56. The good side of people with type O blood is concerned with the meaning of friendship, but unfortunately sometimes like ngebeda-bedain friends.

* 57. O blood type people are very cautious on non-friends, and they had a secret that should be kept private.

* 58. O blood type person that when I'm learning not to diem, must either muttering, goyangin leg kicks, if necessary ato fro like iron.

* 59. Do not see the eyes that people with type O blood are sometimes ngaret, but clay kesungguhanmereka when trying to keep their promises.

* 60. Good at covering things are the expertise of people who have blood O, they always look happy, peaceful & such had no problems at all.

* 61. People who have blood O was famous for its good-natured and generosity, he was happy to accept new things.

* 62. One drawback of the Blood Type O-preferably guns. Dare not say NO to things that did not she is capable.

* 63. Associating with people who have blood O be thankful for, they often provide inspiration for others.

* 64. Although actually stubborn, but people who have blood O favored by many people.

* 65. Blood Type O philosophy: Do everything calmly and wisely, without hurry. The nature rush will only create new problems.

* 66. people are blood type O will continue to answer a question, until the other person is - really believe he's the same spiel.

* 67. In crisis situations, people with type O blood can still be stable. But the principle remains: better to prevent a problem before it all happened.

* 68. people are blood type O, she could talk to someone who he can trust when you're angry or upset. atleast express hearts content.

* 69. Kalo if released in the forest, which can survive the best turned out to people because of blood type O. survival ability is quite good.

* 70. Fortunately you are friends with people whose blood type O. They could be a mediator, arbitrator good.

* 71. people are blood type O is the figure of a humorous.

* 72. people who have O blood can take quick decisions without a lot of 'babibu'.

* 73. Personality guns-tegaan by People with blood type O are often misinterpreted as favoritism by his friends.

* 74. Blood Type O is actually forgiving, but guns easy for them to express it. high prestige. but even easier to forgive him very difficult to forget.

* 75. people who have blood O, usually do not like the details, but they still like to listen to others.

* 76. people are blood type O figure of a humorist, is one of the preferred properties by their partner. But do not try to joke when he was being serious.

* 77. When just earning money, people who diversified Blood O always wanted neraktir dear ones. But saving money already (no plan) aside.

* 78. Many leaders are blood type O, visionary, has the best fighting spirit.

* 79. Blood Type O is usually quixotic (good-natured), happy virtue. They are generous, do not hesitate ngeluarin money for other people.

* 80. People with blood type O, they usually play a role in creating a passion for a group. And was instrumental in creating a harmony among the members of the group.

* 81. They look cool, and reliable but they often slip and make a big mistake because it is less cautious. But it causes people with blood type O is in love.

* 82. People with blood type O are those who do not give a damn lot, passionately and have a high social life.

* 83. Figured they are seen as people who accept and do something quietly despite the fact otherwise.

* 84. They always say what is on their minds directly. They are always honest. They respect the opinions of others and love to be the center of attention.

* 85. blood type O vigorous and confident, forthright, optimistic, sometimes selfish and creative.

* 86. The nature of a person with blood type O in general: high-minded, outgoing, allergies in the details, political leanings: "centro"

* 87. People with blood type O is the person who is good in the field of sport.

* 88. Appropriate exercise for Blood Type O diet is heart exercises: jogging, sepedaan, swimming, running or brisk walking fast.

* 89. The most powerful memories are people with blood type O.

* 90. People with blood type O most rapidly going bald.

* 91. Sports are good for people with blood type O, is Doing aerobic exercise that moves a lot and fast (high impact), it could be a physical sport such as running, swimming and martial arts.

* 92. People with blood type O, the usual lot of diseases Diabetes, obesity, intestinal and digestive disorders. it dikarnakan Hobby eating.

* 93. People with blood type O if there are tasks not directly done sometimes even do something else first.

* 94. People with blood type O have a very strong immune system and if stress can respond with physical activity.

* 95. People with type O blood is very advisable to consume foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates, such as meat, fruit, fish, and vegetables.

* 96. People who have O blood is most like if in praise.

* 97. People with blood type O are very responsive. Although it tends to get defensive, they did not hesitate offensive if it is necessary.

* 98. In a crowd or in the workplace, people with type O blood will be mediocre. But soon you will be able to see it stand out in the middle of the group and into the limelight because of their versatility speak, or attract attention.

* 99. People with blood type O have strong persuasive skills. They tend to be quick in deciding on a choice. but sometimes hesitate when I hear suggestions from others

* 100. People with blood type O is the figure of a forgiving and patient, so it's lucky if you have a friend with blood type like this.

That's 100 Facts about blood type O, the facts - the facts above I collected and I edited from various sources GOOGLE Grandmother and his staff. facts - the facts to determine the most likely match or deepen people - people with type O blood, so it is suitable for those who want to know more about the nature and character of a person's friend, lover, or yourself.


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